
I have heard for umpteen time, people saying, reap what you sow and then associate this to karma which according to Wikipedia free encylopedia, is the concept of action or deed in Indian religions understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (samsara) described in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist philosophies. The law of karma has it that all living creatures are responsible for their karma, that is people are responsible for their actions and have thus to bear the effects of their actions. For some westerners then, karma is a more reasonable concept than eternal damnation for the wicked.While the term is used in all the Indian religions, karma in Jainism is said to have conveyed a totally different meaning as commonly understood in the Hindu philosophy. In Jainism, karma is referred to as karmic dirt, as it consists of very subtle and microscopic particles known as pudgala that pervade the entire universe. Karmas are attracted to the karmic field of a soul on account of vibrations created by activities of mind, speech and body as well as on account of various mental dispositions and the interaction between the consciousness and karma results in the present life. During my pilgrimage to India, our Indian guide said that Buddhism is but a part of Hinduism and our friend and tour leader vehemently denied that, saying that in ancient time, when Hinduism was losing ground to Buddhism, some of the teachings of Buddhism were incorporated into Hinduism to withstand the popularity of Buddhism. Now, I do really wonder if the concept of Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism is the same...

If you want to know more about your karma, check this out at Liudmila's Diary!


Liudmila said…
I think it's like languages. One comes from other, every is developing in it's own way and because of contacts one takes the most inteesting parts from other and then develops those parts in own way.

Everything is caused from other. Everything is depending from other. Karma in poor words. ;)))
footiam said…
Karma should be a language and it means different things in these religion, I suppose.