Buddhist Politics

I suppose that the Buddha being of royal blood is common knowledge; at least among Buddhists. Born a prince, naturally he rubbed shoulders with kings since a baby. His contact with kings probably did not end even after he left the palace to search for enlightenment. In fact, when he was living an ascetic life, a king by the name of Bimbisara offered him half his kingdom which he  turned down. Now, with an environment like his, I wonder if the Buddha was ever involved in politics. In an article in Lion's Roar,  Buddhists are encouraged to be involved in politics. It is suggested that Buddha's political platform, and I presume, Buddhists' too, would go something like this: May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May they all enjoy happiness and the fruits of happiness. It is pointed out that this is the ultimate goal of a government and politics is just the debate over how to achieve it, the ending of suffering of all mankind  regardless of race or religion I suppose. Now, it just put this notion in my head; that it won't be proper if a politician just aspire to help only a certain segment of the people. That won't be a very good leader; not nice really; if not, being fair or kind.
