Even When Buddha Dictates

A member of parliament was all for the ban of alcoholic drinks. All the religions in the world do not allow drinking; he reasoned; and if I heard right, he said he as a doctorate student, knew that. Later when someone said that Christianity allows it, citing the consumption of wine in the last supper as an evidence; the politician brushed it off and then went on to say that the Bible had been distorted. As far as Buddhism is concerned, I always think that drinking isn't encouraged. The Buddhist fifth precept Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami has in fact, sometimes been translated as I undertake the precept to refrain from drinking which lead to carelessness. Drinks aside; all intoxicants should be discouraged because they cause carelessness or some sort of suffering. The fact that the precept states not to drink whatsoever does imply that it's not some kind of dogmatic rule that need to be adhered to at all cost. Man has been ordained with a mind of his own and he could choose to do or not to do something; never mind if something is good or bad but in  no way should he be dictated to. For Buddhists, I bet it wouldn't do to be coerced into doing something; not even if it is Buddha who dictates.
