A Buddha-Approved Killing


Buddhism clearly discourages killing as stated in the Buddhist First Precept : 
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures. Yet, in the Chetvā Sutta, it is recorded that a deity had asked if there would be an instance when Buddha would approve of killing: Having killed what, do you sleep in ease; Having killed what do you not grieve?;  Of the slaying of what one thing does Gotama approve?to which the learned one has replied: Having killed anger  you sleep in ease.Having killed anger, you do not grieve. The noble ones praise the slaying of anger - with its honeyed crest and poison root -for having killed it, you do not grieve. Maybe, one can also add jealousy, ill will and many other negative things to the list.
