I suppose there are at least three singers in this world presently known as Dana - a Korean singer,Hong Sungmi, officially known as Dana The Grace or Xiyue Dana, an Irish singer and ex-politician, Dana Rosemary Scallon and a Lebanese singer, Dana Halabi. Then, there is an American comedian called Bill Dana and a Dutch DJ, DJ Lady Dana. Of course, if we are talking about dana here, it's the Sanskrit or Pali word meaning generosity or giving. In Buddhism, this actually refers to the practice of cultivating generosity which is supposed to culminate in one of the Perfections (paramitas): the Perfection of Giving (dana-paramita). Dana is supposed to eliminate the defilement of lobka (greed), dosa (hatred) and moha(delusion). But then I suppose not every type of dana will work this wonder. The giving here should be an act of non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. In other words, one will have to give with metta (loving-kindness) and karuna (compassion) in the heart and the giving should be unconditonal. I suppose then, giving is not an easy thing to do!
Xiyue DANA
DANA Halabi
Xiyue DANA
DANA Halabi