Treats for Monks

A group of monks came over to Taiping and my niece arranged for them to go to Starbucks and then, to a Chinese restaurant to have a lavish lunch. Bhikku and bhikkhunis, that is Buddhist nuns and monks, I suppose since ancient time depend on laypeople for food. In Buddha's time, I suppose they will go on a daily pindacara, an almsround; to collect food from laypeople. Buddhist nuns and monks never have it so good, I commented and my niece said that the lavish spread for them can only come about because of their good karma. I think many times, Buddha himself went for almsround; but since sometimes kings like King Bimbisara, the King of Magadha and rich people like Anathapindika of Savatthi played host to him, do you suppose he has been given a similar treat too? After all, King Bimbisara had once offered Buddha half his kingdom.
