The Earth is breaking!

A hare resting under a banyan tree had a premonition of doom. Suddenly, there was a thud and a rumbling noise. Immediately, the hare began to jump and run. Another hare which happened to cross his path, asked, "Why are you running?"
"The earth’s breaking up!” The hare replied.
The second hare started running too, shouting “The earth’s breaking up, the earth’s breaking up!”
Soon thousands of hares were scampering through the forest. The word spread from mouth to mouth, and soon almost every animal knew that the earth was breaking up. The other animals, the reptiles, insects, birds and four-footed animals all fled in wild disorder, and their cries of terror filled the air...

This of course is not the end of the Jataka Tale but we do have a taste of what rumor can do... For more, Log in
