
All tremble at violence,
All fear death,
Putting one self in the place of another,
one should not kill
nor cause another to kill.



Liudmila said…
I think, today many poeple become killer not because they are not placing themselves on the place od others, but because they don't want disturb themselves in anything they do. Egoism in it's highest grade all over the world. I see, he is suffering, I understand, I suffer together with him, but I have to go now, I have not time to stop here...
footiam said…
That may because many people do not have a develop mind, I suppose. Egoism as we see, has to do with the idea that there is an 'I' entity in our body. 'I' is always all important. People do not realise that there is actually no 'I', a concept in Chinese, called 'Wu Wo', meaning 'no I', and in Buddhism, 'no self'. People are afraid of suffering ,yes but suffering is a learning experience. We a