Pakistan - Takh-i-Bahi

Just yesterday, I read that the Chinese monk Xuanzang made a pilgrimage to India to look for Buddhist Scriptures and that he had been to Gandhara which is the heartland of early Buddhist development. Gandhara is an ancient region of northern Pakistan which is presently made up by Swat Valley, Peshawar area, and the north Indus Plain According to some stories, Buddha himself had been to this part of the subcontinent to teach,stopping at Taxila and Peshawar. A famous monastry dating from the first century which was in used till the eight century, Takh-i-Bahi stands on top of a hill and is the most impressive and complete Buddhist monastery in Pakistan.


Liudmila said…
They say they are not safe today those places. That monk had to be too courageous to go there. Than monks ask for food persons living by the way... So dangerous...
footiam said…
People say that about Myammar too and the Middle East. By the way, the monk is the one who is featured in 'Journey to the West' . I really wonder how he ended up there when there was no cars or planes.