Vesak Special: Smoke during Vesak

It must be between nine to ten when we were at the Sri Lankan temple. The crowd was not big yet and someone commented that later, there would be such a big crowd and there would be too much smoke from the burning of joss sticks. On Vesak Day, besides joss sticks, there would be burning of candles and oil lamps too but definitely not paper money which is Chinese in origin. Some non-Buddhists I know often say these are messy and cause pollution which I guess is hard to deny. You'd probably say the same thing of an old car which emit carbon monoxide and chug loudly too but then again, I heard that the burning of joss sticks, candles, oil lamps all have their meanings, some representing impermanence, others enlightenment; you have to ponder yourself which represent which but I definitely can't say the same thing for an old car which chug loudly!

Devotees burning joss sticks...

... lighting candles...

...offering oil lamps...


Liudmila said…
Offers are very deep and wise psychological roots of buddhism. If you do them with the right thoughts in the head and for much time, it's enormous educational moment for you.

You offer all the best you have in this life. You give it away. It meens you have not attachment to the best what you have in your life, what there is in the world. The most big practice of these is to give away your body (Chod).

If you look in depth, you will agree, that water and fire are the greatest treasures we have on the Earth.

You don't need to offer real things. You can offer everything you enjoy. I offer the flowers of my garden, the rain, the first green leaves... Mentally. "The Great Mother did not eat your offers, so you can eat them yourself."
footiam said…
I like these ideas, Liudmila. But many people do not look at it from this angle. People give and ask something in return and they don't give the best! I hope I'll always keep these ideas in mind.
Liudmila said…
From the time I learned the buddhist texts I wonder always that the modern european science invents every day things that are described (scientifically proved age of found texts) at least 2000 years ago.

But most persons are not interested in unuseful things.
As example, religions are alive only as traditions. Most Christians that receive religion education from the birth know practically zero about it. Muslims don't know that Allah was against wars and killing persons. Ect ect.
footiam said…
I believe many people here, Buddhists included, do not know much about Buddhism too. I believe most poeple are only interested in things which benefit them and that's money. Spiritual things are important too but just to some people who are inclined to it. I don't worry too much about others. Everyone is free to choose their lives. If you look at the way things are around the world, the Almighty does not seem to care either. Some people think that it is a grand plan; maybe, He allows the world freedom!