Kids' Messages: All About God

Someone, probably Shah, sent me through the e-mail, messages written by kids to God. The messages made me wonder about the concept of God, especially in Buddhism. Some people I know always proclaim to me that all religions teach good things and that followers of different faith pray to the same God, just that God is known by a different name in different religion. According to Wikipedia,
Buddhism usually referred to as a religion, is also less commonly described as a spiritual philosophy. It lacks an Absolute Creator God who created the universe ex nihilo and to whom worship and adoration are due. Buddhists supposedly venerate Lord Buddha and all human beings regardless of their faith, can strive for Buddhhood. That means, while a man cannot become God due to strict separation between man and God, he can however become a Buddha. A person may not proclaim himself or herself Buddhist but all the same, the right acts would bring him or her to Buddhahood; and he or she would most probably not condemn to the Eternal Fire of Hell. More Kidss' Messages would be coming...


Author said…
I was telling a colleague at work that Buddha is a Taurus and she laughed saying Buddha can't be a Taurus, isn't he like a God? She was surprised when I told her that Buddha was a real person!
When I told her a bit about Buddha's life she was really amazed. And yes it feels good doing something like that! Maybe now she will discover Buddha for herself... And it all started with your post, Footiam, about Buddha being a Taurus!
footiam said…
Thanks Alex for the comment. It's also thanks to you!