Kids' Messages: Amazing Grace

That people are vain and think that God only focus on them is not just a kid's matter. A very matured, educated lady teacher I know once told me that someone threatened to sue her husband and her for some reasons or other and they feared very much they would lose everything, their jobs, pensions and all. So, what they did was they prayed. They took up the holy book and turn the pages and lo! They landed right on a page that described just what they were going through. God was with them. Their fear did not materialize and instead of thinking the fear was unfounded, they concluded that it was God's amazing grace. In taking refuge in the Triple Gems, the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, there has never been a call for self-surrender or total reliance on an eternal force or a third party for help or salvation. Now, if things could be made so simple and easy, I wonder, why not...


Liudmila said…
if everything was simple and easy we had not place for creativity and progress. ;)))
footiam said…
It would be great if we can simply create.