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Kids' Messages: Broken Precepts
People familiar with the story of Cain and Abel, the first and second sons of Adam and Eve, would know that Cain commits the first murder by killing his brother Abel after God rejects Cain's sacrifice but accepts Abel's. The children of Adam and Eve have gone a long way from there. Just this morning, I read about a man who beat his friend to death. The man had attacked his friend when the latter had pulled down his wife's underwear and tried to take advantage of her. If a man could kill a brother over the different treatment accorded to them by God, what else, a man and his so called friend. If we are talking about the Buddhist percepts, both obviously have broken the first percept which is to refrain from killing. But modern man seems to have taken a step further. In the second case, it is obvious that the fourth percept which is to refrain from sexual misconduct, has been broken. Does it matter that it was just the underwear that has been pulled down?