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Kids' Messages: Just Human!
Raphael's idea of God most probably was a kind higher being who could be negotiated with. I give you this and you'll get that. You follow me and you go to heaven. If not, well, you go to Hell. It's either this or that. If you have a sensible mind, you'd probably see that there is actually no choice in the given choices. That's great! Life is made so much simpler. As I go through life, I have heard of Buddhists offering to go vegetarian or bald if they are bestowed some wishes. There are also cases of people of one religion converting to another religion during a critical moment of life. A person having a critical disease such as cancer would make a pledge to some God, making a deal to convert if his or her life would be prolonged. And there has been testimony that it works! This really makes everyone involved in the deal so human!
Long time no pay me a visit soon....loooking forward to it eagerly!