Kids' Messages: Loving is Easy

The creation of the world fascinates. In ancient China, it is believed that initially, there was nothing except formless chaos which coalesced into a cosmic egg. Pangu, a primitive hairy giant with horns on the head then emerged from the egg and went on to create the sky and earth in eighteen thousand years.Later, when he died, his breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; his left eye and right eye the sun and moon respectively; his body the mountains; his blood the rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his facial hair the stars and milky way; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals;his sweat the rain; and the fleas on his fur became man! Other people from other culture probably believe an equally superior being created the world in a few days but die hard believers probably would rather believe that each day then is equivalent to present day millennium or something like that. The universe, according to the Buddha is also very large, so large that it has no exterior, and so small too, that it has no interior.The Quantum Theory exhorted that the whole universe is a single, dynamic web of energy and this energy which exists in three forms: the free energy, forces and matter,can also be found in the human body. I suppose then if you love a human, you are on your way to loving the whole universe!


Anonymous said…
Love the kids' messages--I've just read through a bunch, though not deep enough to find out where they're from (though that doesn't matter, as they're such perfect little microcosms of the way we all--children and adults) tend to think so much of the time.
Liudmila said…
I can love everybody when I do special pracices, but out of that I agree with Saint-Exupéry: more I know the dogs, less I love humans...(more or less)
footiam said…
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a message, Yogaforcynics. Will have more kids' messages coming up!

Some dogs are lovable, Liudmila. Some people are dogs. By the way, who is Saint-Exupery?
Liudmila said…
Saint-Exupéry was a famous french writer and aviator that was killed by an german aviator during WWII. All France cryed his death, and a year, I think, ago his airplane was finally found. The german aviator said lately he would not kill him if he knew that there was Saint-Exupéry in that airplane-spy.
And here translations in almost ALL languages of his most popular book:
footiam said…
Oh Liudmila, I have thought he is a saint!