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Kids' Messages: Sending Merits
Peter's message reminds me of the Buddhist practice of sending merits. I remember following a friend to his temple to meditate years ago. Normally, the session would start with a five minute walking meditation followed by half an hour or so sitting meditation. The night would be capped off with a chanting session during which time merits were passed on to everyone, both the living and the dead. Merit (Sanskrit puṇya, Pāli puñña) is a concept particularly in Theravada Buddhism. Merit supposedly accumulates as a result of good deeds, acts or thoughts and that could be carried over to later in life or to a person's next birth and contributes to a person's growth towards liberation. The merits can also be transfered to a deceased loved one in order to diminish the deceased's suffering in their new existence. Now, I don't know if merits could be transferred or if God could send Dennis to another camp, but the good thoughts that you have in your mind when you are attempting to transfer merits; whether it is for others or if it is for yourself like when you are asking God to do something for you - that good thoughts really make you feel real good!