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Perhaps, the first time I saw a monk and a tiger together was in a popular reality show, Amazing Race. The scene must be shot at Wat Pa Luangta Bua Yannasampanno in Kanchanaburi province,Thailand, a place where supposedly tigers which have been orphaned, rescued or donated to the temple are looked after before being released into the wild.
A UK-based Care for the Wild International (CWI) however had reported that the seemingly noble act was just a conservation facade of the monastery. CWI had claimed that the temple, far from being a rescue centre, is operating as a commercial breeding establishment involved in the clandestine exchange of animals with a tiger farm in neighbouring Laos. That aside, one perhaps would wonder what is the real purpose of a monk. A source has said that the Discipline of a Buddhist monk is intended to be conducive to the arising of mindfulness and wisdom. Monks have to undergo a code of conduct called Vinaya and perhaps, one should consider too the layman guide to the Monks' rules...