Between Fantasy and Reality

There is an interesting online role-playing game called Second Life which boasts of more than 15 million users. Players can create virtual avatars and interact with other gamers even to the extent of having a virtual affair. A British woman Amy Taylor, 28 thus found her 40 year old husband David Pollard in a virtual intimate position with an online prostitute which she said was the ultimate betrayal. She was terribly hurt and the marriage ended in shambles. Now, that reminded me of a lesson I had had when traveling on board a train in India. In the case of killing for example which of course is a very unmeritous act, it is the mind behind the act of killing which should be a matter for concern. As Buddha said, The mind is the forerunner of things and there shouldn't be any surprise then that a 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden virtual divorce in another popular virtual interactive game Maple Story made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona was arrested and even jailed. In this case, she was first arrested on suspicion of hacking and then was jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data. So much for the line between fantasy and reality...


Liudmila said…
I don't understand these games and persons that pass days to do it. I lose 1 dioptre in one zear near PC -how can they remain healthy?
footiam said…
I don't understand this game too. the world is already a stage for us to play; why pick another life?