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Three Wanita DAP leaders in Johore, Malaysia were said to have been continuously harassed by a crank call from a man who demanded to have sex with them.The man purportedly said: I want to make love to you because we are meant to be together. Now, I really wonder if there is any precept in Buddhism against crank calls. The basic Buddhist Five Precepts refer mainly to the commitments to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication and if I suppose the sexual connotation in a call had come from a sex maniac who is very much addicted to sex, that would probably have something to do with the Fifth Precept, that is, if you'd think that sex indeed is that intoxicating. Otherwise, if the man is just a normal person with an agenda other than sex,-saying something that he doesn't mean, could well mean he is lying and that means it has to do with the Fourth Precept. In any case, if crank calls have nothing to do at all with the Five Precepts, maybe then, it has something to do with the Fourth Noble Truths. That there is suffering in this world and an origin to it is rather obvious when one of the Wanita DAP women said that she was shaken up by the calls. Maybe now, the victims should think of the path to the cessation of this irritant. Just this morning, I open my e-mail box and saw a lewd cartoon sent by a friend. An old Caucasian woman who received a crank call had asked to be given a vibrator immediately. Maybe, that's not practising the Middle Path as prescribed by the Buddha but can an attached mind really detached itself from the dirt of a sick man?
From the moment we were born in this world, we immediately encountered "Suffering"! But, we should not view this world as a suffering place. Instead we should thank our past good kamma for us to be reborn in this challenging world so that we can sharpen our skills to achieve Enlightment! Moreover, only human being ( not other beings in other plane of existence )can achieve Enlightnement and become a Buddha.
Well, if we were to look at the case from a diferrent point of view, we should thank him for giving us a chance to deal with this type of situation! If we are born in Heaven, we may not have the chance to deal with this type of situation! We will have one less life experience or chance to sharpen our mindfulness skills!
Anyway, what the Wanita DAP needs to do now is to tighten her own safety and security. The person called her could be suffering from psychological problem and need treatment.
Anyway, we must constantly train our MIND to be like a unshaken rock. I believe all meditators are doing that, right? My silly view is that meditation is not neccessary to be in a cool and quiet place or in a remote area (I might be wrong! Please advise if I am wrong! ). As long as we are mindful in whatever we do, we are in a meditating mode! Anyone disagree with this view? Please share your thoughts.
May all beings be well and happy always!
I do like the idea too that meditation doesn't mean one has to go somewhere quiet and remote. Being mindful as you say is meditation too and reading your comments and commenting back on your comments is meditation as well! And thanks for commenting; do comment again, won't you?
1. In my first paragraph, I did mention that the Four Noble Truth and the Eight Fold Path should be the main guidance for our daily life!
2. In my sharing, I was saying that we should not view the Four Noble Truth as an individual unit. We must view the Four Noble Path and the Eight Fold Path as a unit.
My apology for the confusion caused.
May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you always.