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A baby was born without the male organ at the Tuanku Fauziah Hospital in Malaysia and a DNA test confirmed he was a male.The boy was also born without a right thumb, right ear and proper eyelids but it was the absence of the penis that made the parents rather sad. Sexual organs, penis and vagina alike, are often considered dirty words by a major portion of the people I came across and once, I jokingly told someone that God would never bestow something so dirty to one of his creations. Buddhism, I read, refutes the idea of a God especially one who throws sinners into everlasting torments. God, some Buddhists I know, said, is non-existence while others believe there is one but being Man is better since a man is able to determine his path in life and to search for enlightenment. That aside,how would this case of a baby born without a penis further shape the thought of man on God, I wonder...