Road Bullies

Sin Chew Daily's report on the plight of a 36-year-old woman who was slapped and kicked repeatedly by a man who accused her of road obstruction reminded me of another road bully whom I was unfortunate enough to come across. In my case, I was very sure the Punjabi man was blocking my way. I was driving into a junction leading to the market in Pokok Assam when parked right in the middle of the narrow road was this red car,one of its doors wide open, and the lean and tall driver was standing by it, talking to a plump Punjabi lady across the road. Honestly, I was quite annoyed and thinking how inconsiderate some people could be, I honked my car. The man instantly turned and glared at me and would not make a move and I had to drive slowly past him. I had thought that was the end of the episode but then when I was parking my car, there the red car came, pulling to a stop just beside me. I started to shiver, I suppose; now that the chills of his glare earlier had set in, but I pretended not to notice. I was on my way to a shop and walked quickly so that I would have some safer and saner company. There, I told the proprietress of my plight and as I was doing so, the red car came into sight again. I noticed a thin, dark Indian man on the driver seat and this Punjabi man who glared, walked out of the car and walked towards me. Pointing a finger at me, he said menacingly, You don't honk! As if I liked to; but after reading about road bullies that slap and kick before, I was too chickened to say much except Sorry, no hard feelings! That however, left me with a hollow feeling. Now, I wonder how Buddha felt when Devadatta rolled a boulder towards him and a splinter from the rock drew blood from his foot and when Devadatta incited an elephant to charge at him.Devadatta by the way, was Buddha's cousin who created a schism in the sangha.
