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The Conditioned and the Unconditioned
Talk to any Buddhists about the much-hyped doctrine of impermanence and you'd probably get many of them going ga-ga over the constant flux that embodies human life as in the aging process, the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara), and in any experience of loss. Mention then the Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha; and ask if the Dhamma is impermanent and you'd be disappointed if you expect them to falter. Rejoice not if they do not reply and judge not if they just give you a non-commital smile. Some probably would not respond even if they are aware of the compounded, constructed, or fabricated phenomena, which is otherwise known as the conditioned phenomena and the uncompounded and unfabricated phenomena like nirvana, the unconditioned which is said to know no change, decay or death. Probably, they see too much dust in your eyes!
Dhamma can be forgotten by people but than the next Buddha will come to teach it...
From other side, Buddha Shakyamuni in Heart sutra (if I remember good) says he does not teach Dhamma...
But from my personal experience there are too many "Enlightened" today. They can't stand anything asking something about Teaching. As for me it's a sort of psychical illness.