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Terengganu, a state in Malaysia, hard hit by a high divorce rate had the state government coming up with innovative ways to improve sexual relations. Couples had attributed their separation to boring routine sex and body odour and that had the state planning on inviting cosmetic firms to introduce exotic and sensuous fragrances that can arouse sexual desire.The Religious and Information Committee deputy chairman Muhammad Ramli Nuh said married couples should bathe together to make their relationship more exciting. He had met a happily married elderly couple in Kelantan who bathe together even though they are grandparents and that gave him the idea to include this method as part of the pre-marital courses conducted in the state. As he was also bewildered with the old-fashioned pyjamas worn by some couples- a turn off and a no-no, I suppose it would be a good idea then to introduce some sexy lingerie and even some exciting sex toys too! On a serious note, the news had drawn a comment from a Buddhist lady I know. She said Buddhism is so different here in that a person is encouraged to be detached from all sexual entanglement. Now, what does the beast in you have to say to that?
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