World Kindness Day: Learn From the Animals!

Young audiences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia perhaps will be thrilled to know that New York City-based Jim West Puppets will be in town to present seven Aesop's tales. Aesop tales like Hans Christian Andersen's tales or even the Buddhist Jataka tales which features animals never fail to delight. Animals in these stories often could talk and behave like humans and if you were to think especially of the animals in the Noah's Ark that are featured in the Abrahamic religions, you would perhaps for a moment pause and feel the wonder of these great creatures which could live together without gobbling each other up. The same could not be said of human. There have always been misunderstanding and wars throughout the history of mankind even though they are living oceans apart. Why don't we learn from the animals and learn to be kind to each other?
