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I remember having a Godsister from Penang staying in the Rifle Range flats who was very much into the Chinese religion, praying so hard to the different Chinese deities ever so regularly,and even seeking divinition to help solve her problems that it surprised me when suddenly, she announced that she was converting to Christianity. I witnessed her baptism and her mother's too. The whole family converted almost simultaneously. It started with her younger sister who got a teaching job in the church and I suppose, it was she who brought Christianity home. When questioned about the reason for the conversion, the mother was at a loss of words but she was baptised anyway. My godsister cited the sadness she saw in the world and wasn't it sad indeed? She didn't say it but I heard her boyfriend had cheated on her and she became rather pissed off not just with him and life but also with the Gods she was worshipping. So, mother and daughter were baptised. I remember the pastor applying some water on their heads. That didn't take a lot of water, not unless it was done the way Hóng Xiùquán did, the latter being the leader of the Taiping Rebellion and the founder of the Heavenly Kingdom of Transcendent Peace in South China. He had reportedly baptised hundreds of people at one go, shooting water at them with a hose. Now, talking about baptism, is there one in Buddhism? Is it necessary?