Enlightening Quotes

I was surprised to find these quotes in the Net, said to be from the Bible: You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20 Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16 Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7. These are really out of line with the Buddhist Five Precepts, the basic Buddhist code ethics undertaken by Upāsaka and Upāsikā, that is the lay followers of Buddha. The first of the Five Precepts,
Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life.
cleary defines that thou shalt not kill... I often hear people saying that all religions are the same and all are good. It's only the human who intepret them that makes them different. Now, I wonder...
