Children Dhamma: As It Is

I suppose there has never been a prophet in Buddhism. A prophet is someone who has been contacted by, or has encountered the divine and serves as an intermediary with humanity, delivering the newfound knowledge from the supernatural entity to other humans. There has always been a prophet in Christianity, Islam and Judaism but in Buddhism, the Buddha himself was said to be a mere human who through his own effort, became the enlightened one. Not a very great tale to tell the kids, I suppose but would you by any chance, prefer to tell your kids that Buddha met a winged being who revealed to him the Dhamma or would you like to give it straight to them and as it is, that you have to earn for your keeps?


Liudmila said…
It seems to me that Buddha contacted many enlightened beings.
footiam said…
You must write about that!
nothingprofound said…
Buddhism is the most down-to-earth and realistic of the religions. Buddha wanted to keep things simple and straightforward. No hocus-pocus.
footiam said…
There are people who love and thrive on hocus-pocus.