Changing Times

A Shelter Home executive director James Nayagam who deals with pregnant teenagers says that the culture has changed. Young people in Malaysia are now more open and are not shy about sex. In fact, many have multiple partners and think it is okay. A Universiti Putra Malaysia survey revealed that more than 300 Malay teens aged between 13 and 25 had had sex and 85% of them found sex enjoyable and did not regret their actions. Mr. James Nayagam further added that parents, educationists, authorities and policy-makers need to change their mindset to keep up and deal with the new social trends.The pañca-sikkhāpada or The Buddhist Five precepts aka pañca-sīla or Five Virtues, where a lay Buddhist undertakes the training rule to abstain from taking life, taking things not given, from sexual misconduct, false speech and from intoxicants that causes heelessness - Do you suppose the precepts need to be analysed lest they could not stand the onslaught of time?
