A Dog Tale

In Butterworth, Penang, a dog lover reportedly stole a Maltese worth RM1,600 from a pet shop. The dog lover who had come to the shop in a luxury car had wanted to buy the dog but was told that it had been sold to another customer. He then browsed around the shop for a while before running off with the dog. The pet shop operator chased him, but stopped when she was attacked with a pepper spray. Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given. Do you suppose the rich and famous are exempted from this Buddhist Precept?

Would you kill for these?


Maddy Joy said…
It is absolutely correct because,many people likes dog in the luxury car..........................
Luxury Gifts for Men
Liudmila said…
as for me, the rich feel exempted from any precept
footiam said…
Some people think they own the world!