Vesak 2010: Good Thoughts

It wasn't long after dinner that this interesting activity began. Devotees were given a candle each and assigned to different groups. A leader in the group then led them to different locations to light up the lamps which we had placed along the roadside earlier. It was a marvellous experience watching the almost dark forest slowly turning into a glowing fairyland of sort and an especially marvellous feeling to see your hard work bearing fruits. Later, the beautiful scene was even crowned with a firework (inset)! The finale perhaps was not any different from Chinese New Year but if you'd contemplate, maybe you'd rather think that there is a significance to the activity like it gives you this fine thought; that if one makes a point to pass a little kindness around, the world would turn into a Pure Land, a Utopia of sort. The good thought, as pointed out by the Dhammapada, is all too significant: All that we are is the result of What we have thought; It is founded on our thoughts, It is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with A pure thought, happiness follows him, Like a shadow that never leaves him. He abused me, he beat me, He defeated me, he robbed me; In those who do not harbor such thoughts Hatred will cease.

Light a light for me!


debasis said…
Nice pictures and activities thanks but do you think we can be fully religious and adhere to the words of holy books and advice of saints remaining in family????or worldly environments??? I will return to your thought and expression
footiam said…
I would to think so, Debasis if only there is no dust in our eyes.