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A video footage showing a religous guru, Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda (inset) in a compromising position with a Tamil actress sparked a scandal in India. The guru had slept with more than 20 women. Scandal like this sometimes occured in other religious communities too. In the Buddhist community, I remember a dashing monk from Thailand who was wildly popular not just in his own country but in Malaysia and elsewhere. He should be learned too for I think he wrote books which were very wise and these books often had him posing - just as the late Rev. Abhinyana put it- like a star. When he came over to Taiping for a visit, he attracted quite a crowd and people would put new white towels on his path so that he could walk on it. The towels purportedly had medicinal value. It was a surprise to many people therefore when later it was reported that he was involved in a sex scandal and disrobed. I suppose the flesh is weak and a monk is just a human. If a monk or a guru is young, as in the case of Swami Paramahamsa Nithayanda - he is 32 and if the monk or guru walks on towels or do any other mindless act, perhaps the feelers should tingle...