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Have you ever wonder if King Pasenadi would find delight in watching Walt Disney's animated movie based on Benjamin Tarbart's tale, Jack and the Beanstalk? Would he squirm when the magical beans that Jack or rather Mickey Mouse got in exchange for his cow grow into a stalk that reaches the sky? King Pasenadi of the a Aikṣvāka dynasty in India, by the way, was a prominent Upāsaka or lay follower of Gautama Buddha and lived during Buddha's time. It is said that he got panicky over the second of his sixteen dreams. Tiny trees and shrubs had burst through the soil and flowered and bore fruits rather early and he had taken that as a bad omen. Buddha had however said that the dream was more about the future during the days when the world is decaying and men are short-lived. Passions will reign then and young girls will live with men and bear children just like women. You don't seem to like all cartoons, do you?
But I've never heard about the Buddha's dreams...
By the way, it is not Buddha's dream but King Pasenadi's.