
Thanks to Poltergeist, the Steven Spielberg produced horror trilogy which starred the late Heather O' Rourke, I learnt that there is such thing as a paranormal phenomenon where inanimate objects are moved and thrown around by unexplained forces. Later, I learnt that fires could start on their own too but never did I dream that it could happen somewhere so near home. In Kampung Penambang Bunga Emas near Kota Baru, Malaysia, mysterious fires had since early December, 2010 destroyed over 250 articles of clothing, mats, curtains, mattresses and many other things in a wooden house occuppied by a Muslim woman, Zainab and her family. Paranormal experts including a bomoh i.e the local witchdoctor, a Thai medium, an American couple and Muslim ghostbusters had tried exorcising the house but were unsuccessful. The fire did not stop until a certain Master Ong Q Leng, a spiritual healer and ghostbuster from Penang went to Zainab's aid. In Thai movies like Nang Nak and some Chinese horror movies, Buddhist monks are sometimes portrayed as ghostbusters. It makes one wonder if that is more important than propagating the Dhamma.


Liudmila said…
So far I know, he spirits have to be respected in Buddhism and called to go away if they disturb. So, I think, it's important to do it to allow the persons to practice without obstacles.
footiam said…
Man and spirits do both want to be respected, don't they?