Look Deeply

In Kuantan, Malaysia, two robbers tried to break into a pawnshop by drilling through its ceiling. They however, drilled into the wrong room and had to leave empty-handed. That probably tells about nirvana. In searching for a solution to solve life's woes, often we read of Prince Siddhartha and a group of five companions led by Kaundinya depriving themselves of worldly goods, including food and practising self-mortification. The prince nearly starved to death and only when he collapsed in a river and almost drowned did he begin to reconsider the path he took. Somewhere in a Buddhist forum was a comment that claimed that only hard core Buddhists will achieve enligtenment. A person purportedly must not have sex and alcohol too and there should also be no eating for pleasure. Difficult indeed is the Noble Eightfold Path and one certainly has to look deeply!


Liudmila said…
Well, it's necessary to suffer to reach the perfection -or not?
footiam said…
I would like to think that we don't have to suffer to reach perfection.