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In US, a 33-year-old mother offered her 13-year-old daughter's virginity to a man for US$10,000.In Kuala Lumpur, a mother beats her seven-year-old son to stop him from disturbing her when she was entertaining her clients. Yet another took her 14-year old daughter out of school and forced her to work as a masseuse by day and prostitute by night while the other working at a restaurant in Bandar Baru Selayang tossed her newborn baby girl out of a third-floor flat. Some mothers do really make you wonder about what Buddha said: If a person carries his father on his right shoulder and his mother on his left shoulder and they urinated and defecated while there and the person supported both parents with precious and exotic clothing and food, that person will still not have returned one moment of the parents' kindness. Do some mothers really deserve this honour indeed!