What Buddha Looks Like

Seeing the various Buddha images in temples, perhaps, you'd wonder what Buddha looked like. Perhaps, he would look like Richard Gere or maybe, Brad Pitt (inset) or even Tom Cruise. He would not be dark like a Southern Indian perhaps, since he was said to be born somewhere in Kapilavastu which was part of Northern India. Northern Indians are often fair like Caucasians. I remember a monk saying he could be rather handsome too, coming from an Aryan stock. In the Internet, I came across a description of Buddha: Buddha was said to be an excellent and graceful Sakyan prince. He had a beautiful face, a long, prominent and well-formed nose, beautiful deep black eyes, golden skin, glossy black hair, and a forehead like a plate of purified gold. The description was said to be uttered by Princess Yasodhara to Prince Rahula. Princess Yasodhara, if you remember, was Buddha's wife prior to his enlightenment and Rahula, was his son he left behind at the palace. Sometimes, perhaps, you'd be advised to contemplate on the Buddha. Would you perhaps contemplate on his good looks, his leaving his wife and son or the teachings he left behind, particularly the Precepts and the Noble Truths?
