
 Ötzi the Iceman, the Similaun Man, the Man from Hauslabjoch, Homo tyrolensis or the Hauslabjoch mummy- all these names  just refer to Europe's well-preserved oldest natural mummy of a man who lived about 3,300 BCE in the Ötztal Alps (inset). In China, a carpenter reportedly kept his 18-year-old son's dead body in a chest freezer for six years. Tian Xueming's son had died of leukemia. There were requests for the body to be moved to a family tomb but they were turned down. Keeping his son's body in a chest freezer at home made the carpenter feel as if his son had never left him.The carpenter and his wife had only to pull up some chairs, lift the lid and chat to him when they felt like talking to him. That does not remind me of the ancient mummified man as much as this Buddhist thought, attachment.
