Listen! Listen!

This morning, I woke up to hear the birds singing outside my window.  Suddenly, I started to wonder why there weren't any crow around. There were many crows in the Klang Valley, I remember and I had heard the birds went, Caw! Caw! there and most probably if there were crows outside, they would be caw, cawing away too. Animals do have problems, don't you think?; at least, that's what I heard in a YouTube video that went viral. Funny thing, all I could think of then was the Aesop tales and the Jataka tales.Many talking animals were featured in these stories. Jataka tales are Buddhist stories and probably one would take with a pinch of salt when it is said that they are stories about the previous lives of the Buddha, in both human and animal form. One probably would listen to the Buddha if he is a human, but would you, if h is an animal? Then, of course sometimes you tend to listen and believe more in animals in man's clothing when they insist that you listen! listen!
