Snakes and Frogs

Forget the Which came first: the chicken or the egg? question. Ask if a frog eats a snake or a snake eats a frog. That would especially be after reading the Mahāsupina Jātaka, that is the sixteen dreams of King Pasenadi . In his fourteenth dream, tiny frogs swiftly pursue huge black snakes, chop them and gobble them up. In Buddhist literature,  Gautama Buddha reportedly interpreted the 16 dreams of King Pasenadi of Kosala. The fourteenth dream about frogs eating snakes had been said to have something  to do with wives dominating over their husbands. If you have read Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew or perhaps seen a film version of it, especially the one starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, you'd perhaps think this is but just a small matter that could easily be overcome. Not a very scary fourteen dream, yeah?
