
Psst... There's something that I'd like to confide in you. There's this someone that I wouldn't say I know; but she crossed my path; this fat, dark skinned, ugly thing. I know it's very cruel to label someone that; but I can't stand it when she spent hours in the bathroom in the early morning; not so long maybe, but half an hour at least; belching and farting there and so loud too  that you'd think that the earth would tremble and hell is eternity. And would you believe it too, she's such a busy body. She would always without fail turn her head and steal a look at you or anyone in the room just when one least expects it. She gets distracted at the slightest sound. When you open the door or close the door, the slightest creak would catch her attention. She would turn her head slowly to look at you, making you nervous especially when you've been fed a diet of zombie movies like Night of the Living Dead and Train to Busan. Often, I wonder why she behaves so. I thought animals in the woods like the deer behave in the same manner; getting distracted by the slightest sound, looking up when they hear the slightest creak of broken twigs. Someone told me that rats are like that too; and I am starting to wonder if these are all but tell tale signs of rebirth. Now, please, I didn't't say she's an animal in a past life. I wouldn't say for I'm not that mean; and hey, don't we all love animals?
