Putting Words into Buddha's Mouth

To err is human, to forgive is divine. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Perhaps, you may take delights in reading quotes by people too; famous ones especially; the likes of Abraham  Lincoln, Shakespeare, John F. Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Mao Zedong even; never mind their race, religion, creed or ideology. A good quote is a good quote, being filled with wisdom and inspiration.Buddha's quotes, not withstanding, are wide and varied too. They are little gems, like windows which give insights into the Dhamma expounded by Buddha. Just that, these days, there are such things as fake Buddha's quotes and many times, in Buddhist sites, I can't help but wonder if the quotes published there are indeed quotes by Buddha. If they are not, that's tentative to putting words into the mouth of the enlightened one.
