Sitting through Hell Fire

Just now when I was surfing the Net, I came across this question, Why do you meditate?  A doctor has her views  on why people do that and she said some do it for medical purposes while others do it as part of their religious or spiritual practice. Meditation reportedly reduced anxiety, help with insomnia and improve longevity, it having been found to boost the immune system, improve the body’s response to insulin, reduce blood pressure, among others. As for being part of religious or spiritual practice, the doctor didn't elaborate. Not all religions have meditation as part of their religious practice and none gives such great emphasis as Theraveda Buddhism, I suppose. I've come across some guys who were adamant that meditation is the only way to Nirvana, the ultimate spiritual goal in Buddhism which marks the release from rebirths; whatever that means. Now, while there are people who meditate because they find it relaxing, what's your take on meditation? Does it quieten your mind, calming it to the extent that you could sit through hell fire?
