Pig for Thought

Thought it was old news; that a human can receive a cornea transplant from a pig; and indeed it was!  China Daily.com reported that the world's first pig cornea recipient, Huang Yuanzhen went for an eyesight check at Wuhan Union Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei province earlier this month and her eyesight was pronounced normal. Huang received her transplant at the hospital about nine years ago, in 2010 to be exact. Now, I've heard of pork being forbidden food in some cultures; perhaps, using a pig's cornea is taboo too even for Buddhists? The first of the Buddhist Five Precepts, Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures clearly states that living things are not to be killed. Harvesting of pig corneas surely involved slaughtering of the animals; and if not, the animals would become blind themselves which wouldn't  be kind, would it?
