Chikungunya Poser

There had been banners in the neighborhood about the Chikugunya outbreak. Rather scary, yeah; especially one day when I woke up feeling not so well; a bit chilly and feeling rather feverish and the fingers felt like running out of lubricating oil and I couldn't twiddle my toes to produce the nice feeling I was used to. I had difficulty getting out of my bed when my other niece took me to see a doctor in a private clinic. I told the young doctor of my suspicion of contracting the Chikugunya virus; keeping my fingers crossed that I was wrong. The doctor said that it was too early to tell and proceeded to prescribe pills for viral infections. Two to three days were spent resting; drinking 100plus which my niece bought. One night, I was feeling terribly bad; my whole body ached and there was even an aftertaste of the pain the next morning. Then, another morning, I woke up like nothing had ever happened until the next night when I noticed rashes all over my body. As far as the Chikungunya virus infected mosquito is concerned; now, I can't help but wonder:  How can an unenlightened man not break the First Buddhist Precept, Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami. I undertake the precept to refrain from destroying living creatures?
