She Dreams of Genie

I knew a guy who had a son and for a great many years afterwards, he didn't get to have any more children even though he didn't use any contraceptive. It must be at least seven years before the next child came and for three consecutive years after that, he had one child after another. Infertility isn't the problem here, I suppose and I'm not sure if Buddhism delve into such issues; mundane maybe, and nothing to do with solving life's unsatisfactoriness. Other religions perhaps do; for there is this book written by a supposedly famous doctor from Paris with such surprising title as Infertility caused by Decreased Oxygen Utilisation and Jinn (Demon). In Islamic mythology, jinn is a class of spirits which is capable of appearing in human and animal forms and it can bring either good or evil to man. I suppose that means it's not wrong to translate jinn as demon and even genie, for that is what I thought jinn is. Nevertheless, it's surprising that a doctor trained in Science attributed infertility to such factor.
