Wearing a Buddha Mask

I think I first heard of Buddha Nature from the Australian monk, the late Reverend Abhinyana. An Oxford Buddhist scholar Shenpen Hookham was of the opinion that Buddha Nature is the true self that is present within a being, something that is real and permanent. Another Buddhist scholar Merv Fowler thinks it's an essence within a being. Heng-Ching Shih however thinks it does not represent a substantial self but it is a positive language expression of emptiness which emphasizes the potentiality to realize Buddhahood through Buddhist practices. A Japanese monk, Nichiren maintained that all living being possess the Buddha Nature and has the potential to attain Buddhahood. I suppose the term refers to the goodness that is in all of us; just that most of the time the defilements in us dominate and rear their ugly heads. Sometimes when we try to suppress the refinements and try to showcase our Buddha Nature however, it is like wearing a Buddha mask.
