Unwholesome as He Makes

A school in the capital put up some decorations for the coming Chinese New Year and a lawyer reportedly had the decorations taken down when he complained that the decorations were hurting the eyes and against the Constitution. The man had threatened to file a police report and I supposed he did, for the red lanterns were taken down very soon after. The incident of course, created an uproar and while many including ministers and a mufti debated over whether the decorations should be taken down or not, I just wonder about wholesome and unwholesome jobs. I have heard that a butcher's job is unwholesome as it involves destroying life, just like being a thief is unwholesome as it involves taking what is not given. Kammapatha, in Buddhism, refers to the ten wholesome and unwholesome courses of action. Besides killing and stealing, there are eight other unwholesome actions; wrong conduct in regard to sense pleasures, false speech, slanderous speech, harsh speech, idle chatter, covetousness, ill will. I was just wondering if the lawyer's speech was harsh and if he has ill will against people of other races. Perhaps, a lawyer's job can be as unwholesome as the person makes it.
