A Time to Reflect

Have you as a kid been grounded by your parents for doing something wrong like quarreling with your siblings, picking a fight in school or lying about something? These few days when the whole nation come under an order for restricted movement to fight the covid 19, someone in Facebook suggests meditation at home. Fine, if you know how to meditate and want to. You could treat these two weeks off from work as a meditation retreat. I find it easier to surf the Net, check out postings and getting either happy or angry over people who despite the current restriction, choose to throng the market and risk themselves being infected by others or infect others. Maybe, these people have their reasons. Hawkers selling fruits for example wouldn't want their fruits to rot at home or they may need money for mortgage; and the people who are buying just can't resist the temptations of fresh food and most probably too, they weren't the ones involved with panic buying. Then, maybe I better reflect on myself on what causes the mood swings. I suppose when our parents put a curfew on us, it's for us to reflect wisely on our actions. Not to avoid some nasty germs.
