Covid Poser

Ever since the Covid 19 virus rears its ugly head, people were wary of moving out of their homes. Stay home, stay safe has been the slogan here for sometime but when inmates in prisons got infected with the virus, one would probably wonder how safe home is. Then, there has always been talk of vaccines being found to fight the virus but when one is found, it's not necessary that it's welcome news. Take for instance Malaysia which is set to embark on its first Covid-19 vaccine trial with some 3,000 participants; a mufti in the state of Pahang said that while it is most important in Islamic law to save lives, the Covid-19 vaccine must be halal, free from items deemed to be forbidden by the religion so as to ensure peace of mind among Muslims while another neighbouring state, Kelantan; wanted a study carried out to ensure the vaccine complies with Islam. I wonder if Buddhist monks or leaders ever make any demands for the benefits of lay Buddhists. Do they care enough?
