New Culture

Vesak Day is just over. In Facebook, I thought I came across a posting of some Buddhists celebrating Vesak Day a day earlier. The time frame for each country is different; but then, that got me wondering if Vesak Day is  celebrated on the same date the world over; I googled and learned that the date for Vesak Day varies every year as it follows the lunar calendar.  As Vesak Day falls on the full moon of the month of Vesākha;  each year, it could be in April, May or June. As a result of the diverse Buddhist cultures too, different traditions celebrate on different dates. Most countries celebrate on the same day though; 26 May this year; except perhaps for Japan and China. Japan celebrated on 8 April while according to Wikipedia, in China, it was 19 May. As I browse through the Whatshapped Vesak messages in my phone, I wonder too if there is this new culture of sending Vesak Day greetings through the social media in other countries... 
